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KINDER Schoko Bons  200g
KINDER surprice eggs 3 x 20g – Natoons
KIT KAT 41.5g
KIT KAT 41.5g
In Stock
KIT KAT Chunky 40g
KIT KAT Chunky white 40g
KIT KAT minis x12pcs 200g
KIT KAT minis x12pcs 200g (€0.30 LESS)
LACTA Nuts milk chocolate 100g – with Whole Almond
LACTA Nuts milk chocolate 100g – with Whole Hazelnut
LACTA Nuts milk chocolate 85g – with Caramelised-Salted Almond & Salted Cracker
LINDT excellence dark chocolate with a touch of sea salt 100g
LINDT excellence intense dark chocolate 70% cocoa 100g
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